Dont poke around with other settings whilst you are there - I think you can totally bork your TV. If you are using a USB-RS232 adapter I think you need to also turn on "USB Serial" Sorry I can't remember where exactly is was but somewhere under Control - > Suboptions I think. One you get to the blue and white service menu, turn on Ex-Link support, and set RS232 jack setting to UART. The document will automatically generate the serial string with the checksum included. This includes all the discrete commands as well as the hard to find numeric digits, smart hub, netflix, and many more.

If you have a new TV with one of the integrated "Smart" remotes then these buttons aren't accessible! You'll need to beg/borrow/steal an older Samsung remote with all the buttons, buy a Samsung or third party replacement remote, or put the functions into another programmable remote (this is what I ended up doing with an old Philips Pronto). The roots of the autopen industry run deep throughout the Automated Signature Technology family. I created an excel document to generate all the RS232 codes that I could find. You need to enter the TV service menu, which requires you to press a combination of buttons in sequence (there are a few alternatives one of a number of obscure button combos including or - have a look at YouTube to see some alternatives). 2) Enable full serial/RS232 control of the TV (otherwise you will find you cannot turn it back on if it has been turned off for more than a few minutes - which is usually the most important thing you want to do).